Brands Linked to Xinjiang

This page contains a list of brands that have been linked to Xinjiang, either through reported forced labour in their supply chains, or as official sponsors of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Clicking on the brand logo will take you to the list of associated reading for each brand.

Use the dropdown options to filter by industry and whether the brand has made public statements about their connections with Xinjiang.

Clothing Lina K Clothing Lina K

Abercrombie & Fitch

In response to ASPI’s report naming three factories in its supply chain that have been linked to forced labour, A&F told ASPI that they recently stopped using the first factory, and that “it does not believe” it uses the other two.

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Retailer Lina K Retailer Lina K


In September 2021, the European Centre for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR) filed a complaint to German prosecutors alleging that several retailers, including Aldi, C&A, Lidl, and HUGO BOSS, profited from forced labour in Xinjiang. Aldi said, “We regularly review our business partners to ensure that our requirements are continuously met.”

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